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Support Our Ministry

New Hope International Church UK is committed to sharing the love of Christ and making a positive impact in the lives of people in our community and around the world. Your financial support helps us to continue our mission and expand our outreach efforts, including holding worship services, prayer meetings, providing Biblical education and public celebrations of Christian festivals. We also provide grants, items, and services to people in need. Thank you for partnering with us in this important work.


Giving of our finances to God is a biblical principle that predates any covenant with God, that is, it is a life principle and not an old or New Testament principle.


Acts 4:32-37 highlights that the first believers shared all they had and that in doing so no-one among them had any need. The money was brought to the Apostles to be shared out. Barnabas sells his field to give to the Apostles for them to use in helping others.

Ways to Give:

In Person

You can make a gift offering in person during our regular services or by visiting our church office during business hours. Our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

Standing order or bank transfer

Please use your online banking to set up a new standing order or bank transfer to



Sort Code: 08-92-99

Account No: 67341809

By Email

If you prefer to give by email, please contact us at and we will provide you with the necessary information.


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By Paypal

Make a one-off payment or set up a standing order to New Hope International Church UK by using your bank card or PayPal.

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